AskQV is a side project of Steve Dark, owner and principal consultant at Quick Intelligence. It was launched in 2014 as a service to those who work with or are enthused about all things Qlik. At the time there was an explosion of blog content and I wanted to provide a single point where all of that blog content could be pulled together.

The site consists of a selection of the best Qlik blogs out there and a feed of posts from many of those blogs. New posts are Tweeted and available on our RSS Feed. All of this content is available to anyone, wherever they choose to consume it. All without adverts or any other marketing bias. This is very much created by a Qlik fan, for Qlik fans.

If you know of a blog that we are not featuring, but you feel that we should be, please get in touch.

I’m hoping to roll out some improvements to the site soon, so please do check back and see how we are getting on.